F**k me, that’s a lot of bats!

After my Ankor Wat exertions I spent the following morning taking in the Ankor museum before spending the afternoon pottering around Siem Reap. Then it was another day temple-touring, talking in some of the more ‘remote’ temple sights with a trip to the landmine museum on the way round. Pretty templed-out after that so yesterday I jumped on the bouncy bus to Battembang (It wasn’t supposed to be bouncy but both the roads & the minibus suspension were fucked!)

Yesterday evening I hiked up Phnom Samurai to see some breathtaking views before heading down to watch a mind blowing number of bats (over 2 million!) pour out of a colossal cave in the cliff face. Halfway up the climb there are also the killing caves, an area where the Khmer Rouge used to brutally execute victims and them throw them into the caves below. Between that and the landmines I’m starting to get a more vivid picture of Cambodia’s brutal recent history. More Battembang exploring today then on to Phnom Penh and the killing fields

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